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Newsletter 2022 Issue 4

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Issue 4 - 2022

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Welcome to the Healthwatch Kingston Upon Hull Newsletter. In our Newsletter we provider regular updates of our activities as well as the activities, events and information of other local services and organisations in the area.

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Healthwatch Updates

Let's talk about the Menopause

Healthwatch Kingston upon Hull are looking to highlight the views and experiences around the menopause to demonstrate the importance of the correct support being simple to access.

To assist us in understanding the needs of those locally, we are conducting a short survey.

Healthwatch will not share any of the information you provide to us with any other service or organisation and the information provided will be anonymised and solely be used for the purpose of this project.

Closing Date: 31st July 2022

Your Experiences Matter

In April, Healthwatch found that 34.5% of experiences we collected related to Dentistry; with ‘Access to Services’ being the most common issue identified.

We have shared our findings with 15 service leads to assist them in understanding where improvements may be made.

Help us highlight where further improvements may need to be made by

Want to make a complaint?

The Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy Service provides free and impartial advice and support from start to finish of the complaints process.

In April, the service supported in 9 new complaints; provided support in 57 ongoing cases and 4 complaints were closed.

Visit our NHS Complaints page for more information

How We Can Help

Healthwatch provides information and advice to help you get the most of your local health and social care services.

From the enquiries we received in April, we:

  • Provided 37.5% with information
  • Escalated 25% experiences
  • Signposted 12.5% to receive further support

Join us and make a difference

Healthwatch wants real change within Health and Social Care services and to do this we need to have Volunteers who want to make a difference in their local community.

By becoming a Healthwatch Volunteer, you are ensuring the views and experiences of those within your community are heard. You can also observe services directly to report back any good practices or areas of improvement. All of this information is used to work with service providers to ensure a better service for all.

You can find more informtion about the opportunities with Healthwatch and the journeys of our Volunteers by viewing our Volunteering page.

Partner Promotions

Menopaus'ull Support Network

The Menopaus’ull Support Network aims to empower, support and educate women who are going through the menopause, enabling them to make informed choices on their health and wellbeing.

They offer:

Free monthly Webinairs delivered by experts in their field, covering a variety of menopause related topics.

Access to a Facebook support group along with the opportunity to attend regular local menopause cafes. 

A emphasis on bone health in the menopause including a research study by University of Hull.

Opportunities to get involved in a variety of exercises classes and wellbeing support programmes.

Opportunity to loan menopause related books from the menopause library and to view previous recorded webinars.

Contact us:

Hull University Teaching Hospitals wants to hear from you

Hull University Teaching Hospital is hosting their latest Patient Experience Forum on 30th June 2022 and invites patients to safely and confidently engage and share their ideas for improving local hospitals.

Hull and East Riding Children's Neurodiversity Service

This new service brings together children’s services across Hull and East Riding to provide a joint up approach across health and social care for children and young people with neurodiverse needs.
Working together with children, young people and their families, this new approach aims to understand what support is needed and how best services can help.
The ‘front door’ of the service allows you to make a request for support directly via telephone or online. 

COVID-19 Spring Boosters

Are you over 75 or clinically vulnerable? Did you know that you can WALK IN to Princes Quay for your spring booster?
If you’re not sure you can get your booster yet come in and we can answer any questions; or you can check and book your booster, by checking the link.
How to apply:

Contact Linda Conway:

Telephone: 07464511436

Help those experiencing sight loss

Guide Dogs for the Blind Hull Community Team are recruiting for 2 Volunteer Safeguarding Trainers and 2 Safeguarding Assistants.

In this role, you will support the team in delivering safeguarding training to our volunteers and staff members.

“I get to use my skills and experience, keep my brain active and feel that I am making a contribution to the fantastic work of this organisation.” – Heather, Safeguarding Trainer.

You’ll get

Volunteering is a two-way street, so in return for your time you will get a dedicated key contact who will help you settle in and support you during your time with us. You’ll also get:

  • The opportunity to expand your understanding of safeguarding particularly within a charity.
  • The opportunity to expand your skills in training others.
  • The opportunity to network with a variety of individuals at Guide Dogs.
  • The opportunity to attend further relevant training to expand your learning.
  • Expenses in line with our expenses policy

Training and support

You will have 6-8 hours of training .These modules include:

  • General induction to Guide Dogs.
  • Safeguarding training.
  • GDPR training.

This trainer role has equivalent to 1 day training in Safeguarding training.

If you have questions about the training requirements, we can answer these at your interview along with any other support or accessibility needs you may have.

How to apply:

Contact Linda Conway:

Telephone: 07464511436

Hull Parent and Carer Forum

Hull Parent Carer Forum is a friendly and welcoming group of parent carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in Hull.

We work with partners at the Local Authority and Health to gather and feedback to voice and lived experiences of families using SEND services and support.

We are funded by the Department for Education and we host events and activities to enable parent carers to participate and share their views and experiences in order to develop and commission services that meet their needs.

Our popular breakfast clubs are every second Tuesday at Lambworth Pub from 9.30am, we are there to chat, share ideas and information, signpost to advice support and services and provide a welcoming environment to meet others in the same boat.

We also have a private closed group for chatting, sharing and supporting one another which is a hive of information for Hull SEND families.

We also host information sessions, social events, training opportunities and more. We are led by parents for parents so tell us what you want to see! We do our best to accommodate our members’ needs.

Our trained reps attend strategic meetings representing the collective voice and ensuring that the lived experience of children and young people with SEND are listened to.

Get in touch and come along to meet us. You can be involved as much or as little as you like.

Contact us:

Cancer Quality of Life Survey

The Cancer Quality of Life Survey is a national survey run by NHS England and NHS Improvement and NHS Digital. The survey is for people in England who have been diagnosed with cancer.

From 2020, people who have had a breast, prostate or colorectal (bowel) cancer diagnosis are being asked to complete the survey around 18 months after diagnosis.

From July 2021 we have begun the process of rolling out the survey to all cancer patients around 18 months after diagnosis.

The aim of the survey is to find out how quality of life may have changed for people diagnosed with cancer. We want to see where care is working well or not so well, and if any new services are needed.

To do this, we’re asking how people who have experienced cancer are feeling and comparing their answers with information about their cancer diagnosis and treatment. This will help us to improve the way we support people to live as long and as well as possible.

Have you had your cervical screening?

All women and people with a cervix aged 25-64 are eligible for cervical screening.

Females will be invited for screening every three years if aged 25-49 and every five years if aged 50-64.

You can arrange to be screened with your GP practice or a local sexual health clinic. Those registered as male will need to make an appointment with their GP practice.

Try not to put off cervical screening. It’s one of the best ways to protect yourself from cervical cancer.

For more information or to access support:


Qwell is a mental health and wellbeing platform that offers free online counselling support for those aged 18+ across Humber, Coast and Vale.

You do not need to be referred or placed on a waiting list to use Qwell and there is no criteria for accessing support. You can receive support through the following methods:

Our messaging feature allows you to reach out directly to a professional. We also use messages to connect with someone who may need additional support.

Our online chat functionality allows you to receive professional support through booked or drop-in sessions as and when you need it.

We have hundreds of pieces of therapeutic content created by our online community and professional content team.

Our peer to peer forums are moderated to maximise safety and allow people to discuss issues together in a facilitated environment.

Our suite of self help tools offer the ability to create journals, track your mood and set goals.

For more information or to access support:

Newsletter Feedback

Your feedback on our Newsletters will help Healthwatch understand what information we’re currently providing to you is beneficial, if information provided could be improved or if there is anything we are not currently providing which you feel is beneficial to you and our other audience members.